I will

For the time You made me cry,I will laugh!

For the time you hate me I will love You more,

For the time You told me „You can’t „I will.

For the time You left, I will remain.

For the time you dreamed me, I will wake You

For the time You Forget,I will remember

For the time You said „It’s over”I will just begin..

For the time You killed me I will survive.

For the time you told me I am dead I will live.

For the time You told me” You can’t ” I will.

Because I am here today ,

It ‘s up to me to stay awake

I can be more ,day by day

You said I can’t,but look at me

I can ,I could so I will be free!

Mira .

23 de gânduri despre „I will

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